Thursday, April 17 at 6pm
Price: FREE to watch with paid gate admission; cost for participation varies per event
Parking: Contestant parking is located behind the track stalls, please follow the signs
Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to complete a cloverleaf pattern around preset barrels in the fastest time. For women, this rodeo event combines the horse’s athletic ability and the horsemanship skills of a rider in order to safely and successfully maneuver a horse in a pattern around barrels.
For Contestants
Buckles to 1st place in open barrels and open poles
Prizes for 2nd and 3rd
** $2,000 added ** sponsored by Washington County Fair
- Open 4D – $35 ($1,750 added)
- FYH – $50 (carry over only)
- Senior 3D – $15 ($50 added)
- Middles 3D – $15 (carry over only) ($50 added)
- Youth 3D – $15 ($50 added)
- Jr Barrels – $10
- Open 2D Poles – $15 ($50 added)
- Jr Poles – $10
- Time onlys $2 each from 4-5pm – sign up and pay at the gate
Parking back by the covered arena.
A big thank you to Southwest Barrel Racing Association! Home of bigger payoffs and year end awards!