Why Sponsor the Fair

- The Washington County Fair is the biggest event the County has that involves all 14 cities at one time.
- With the new facility that opened in 1997, it has grown in attendance to approximately 50,000 people.
- The county subsidizes 50% of the Fair with the rest of our needs provided by individual businesses who are willing to donate and fund various events and activities so that the citizens of Wash. County can enjoy, have fun, participate and make a memory.
- Since 2006, we noticed an increase in fair attendance and some remarks were made that “with economy the way it is, the fair is our family vacation!”
- Fair is now held in mid-April. The Fair puts a holiday in August!
- The Fair offers opportunities for every citizen of the county to enter, display, and show-off their talents and accomplishments. Fruit, vegetables, paintings, photography, quilts, crafts, cooking, sewing, entertainment on the stages, literary competition and even showing off their baby’s at the baby contest. With every ribbon that is given, the county offers a premium that makes every applicant proud, building their self esteem and knowing that they are important!
- From the beginning in 1860, there has been a need for a Fair in the lives of county residents to build up morale, and to unite the county.